TaKara is WEARING SHOES!!! HOORAY!!! Today we decided that we were going to try really hard and get TaKara to wear shoes. We have tried putting them on her while she is sleeping, riding the four wheeler, feeding cows, etc. But nothing has worked. And carrying her around to feed cows every night and morning is really tiring. Her feet are kind of fat so we thought maybe they are wide and so the shoes are squeezing her feet and hurting. So when I was in Richfield yesterday I took her into a shoe store and asked them to measure her foot. They said right on the line of a 5 so I should buy a 6 so she could wear them for a while. Then I asked the lady if her foot was wide and she almost starting rolling on the ground she was laughing so hard. So finally gained control and replied her foot is extremely narrow so you will never have to worry if she needs a wide shoe.
We already bought a size five a month or so ago so we put them on her and of course she screamed…we took her outside and she wouldn’t even stand. When we would go to sit her down she would raise her feet up and sit in the air. HAHAHA And when she finally did stand she wouldn’t move a hair. So the whole time we are telling her how pretty her shoes are and how she will be able to play outside without rocks and sticker hurting her feet but she doesn’t care she just wants them off. So we decide to go visit Grandpa and Grandma Taylor so they can help with the process. The whole ride over (about 2 miles) she screamed at the top of her lungs. When we got out of the truck we tried to sit her down and let her walk but she was planted in her footsteps. Dale carried her in and grandpa was on the couch watching the news and noticed TaKara was sad and motioned for her to come to her and he would hug/hold her better. But of course she wouldn’t budge so we carried her to him. Once she was on his lap he asked her what wrong. Instantly her foot came flying up and missed his jaw by a mere inch. And then she started chewing the shoe out. Prall is trying not to laugh and without us telling him anything he starts saying…Oh, TaKara your shoes are so pretty. Now you can walk through the corral when we feed cows. She didn’t give a crap. LOL After a few minutes of him trying to reassure her grandma comes down and instantly whisks her away trying to calm her down. She also was telling her how pretty her shoes were. It did no good. Mary decided to taker her outside to see/feed the chickens. TaKara wouldn’t walk to the coop but once she got there she let Mary put her down long enough to throw them some scraps. When they got back in the house though Mary sat her down and she took a couple of steps. She was getting ready to sit down, whine, and take the shoes off when we all started clapping and cheering. She smiled and decided that was fun. She took a few more steps and got the same reaction. She decided the shoes weren’t so bad and wore them the rest of the day and totally forgot they were even on her feet.
The first thing when she wakes up that TaKara does is gets her shoes and jacket and wants to go outside even though it is dead of winter. So we put her shoes on and convince her to wait until after breakfast and we will go do chores. Then the second we get home she has to take them off and put them by the front door in their special place all nice and neat next to ours. We have tried a couple other pairs of shoes (gym shoes and duck slippers) but she just throws a fit but that is okay we just might have to get a size 6 in the same style. Or go threw the same ordeal with every new pair of shoes. We play outside everyday now. She loves it!
That is adorable!! I've got a couple stubborn girls as well!! What are we in for?
TaKara is so cute. I still think that is so funny that she never liked shoes. Thanks for being on top of things last night I think Alisa was grateful we came over. Sorry about the quilting group. I still want to see your quilt your going to make TaKara.
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