Monday, August 6, 2007

Baby Info

1- Where were you when you first found out you were pregnant? Home in the bathroom.
2- Who was with you? Dale
3- How did you find out that you were pregnant? Took a home pregnancy test on Dec 15th
4- What was your first reaction to finding out you were pregnant? I was so excited because we had been trying for 15 months!
5- Who was the first person you told? Dale
6- Did you plan to get pregnant? YES
7- Did you tell everyone else right away? Yes we told the Coates' the next Thursday (21st) and the Taylor's the next day (22nd) the whole world knew by the next day because at your great grandpa Pratt Taylor's funeral Mary Taylor your grandma told everyone that came through the line that you were coming in Aug
8- Was everybody happy for you? Yeah they were so excited
9- Did you go out and celebrate? Probably
10- Did you want to find out the sex? Yes
11- What was the sex? Girl
12- Did anyone throw you a baby shower? Yes
13- If yes, who? My Coates Family
14- Did you get any outfits at the baby shower that you just knew you weren't going to put on your baby? Nope
15- How much weight did you gain? 25 lbs.
16- Did you lose all of the weight that you gained? Instantly
17- Did you get a lot of stretch marks? Not really
18- What did you crave the most? avocados
19- Did you crave anything else? string cheese
20- Who or what got on your nerves the most? Driving an hour to the doctor's office every week at the end
21- Were you married at the time? Yes
22- Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? Nope I had an easy pregnancy
23- Where were you when you went into labor? Home
24- Did your water break? Yes while I was sitting on my bed
25- Who drove you to the hospital? Dale
26- Did you go early or late? 5 days early
27- Who was in the room with you when you gave birth? Dale, a nurse, and Doctor Inouye
28- How long were you in labor for? Well it depends...20 hours from when my water broke but only 10 1/2 from when they started me.
29- Did you have any drugs for the pain? Nope I couldn't feel anything so why have any. I think I will go natural again.
30- Did you go Natural or have a c-section? Natural
31- What was your first reaction after giving birth? I was happy that she was here and surprised she had hair
32- How big was the baby(s)? 5 lbs 10 oz. 19.5 inches.
33- Did your Husband cry? No
34- What did you name the baby(s)? TaKara Taylor
35- Does her name have any significant meaning? No we just really liked it. Our doctor told us at our 6 weeks check up that it means Jewel in Japanese.
36- Did you have any visitors in the hospital? Yes: Great Grandma Geneal Coates, My Cousin Lindsey Mason, My Great Aunt Marge, Grandma Mary Taylor, Grandpa Prall Taylor, Aunt Margo Taylor, Aunt Marcy Winters, Grandma Michele Coates, Grandpa Dale Coates, Uncle Devan Coates, His girlfriend then his wife now Diana Brinkerhoff Coates, Uncle Rhett Jeffery, Aunt Rachelle Jeffery and Cousin Morgan Jeffery wanted to come so bad but they were afraid that she would ride all the way to Gunnison from Wayne County and then wouldn't be allowed in the room.
37- Did the baby(s) have any complications? Nope
38- How old is your baby today? Two days old
39- When is the next one(s) coming? I think we will work on it in about a year or so
40- If you could, would you do it all over again? Definitely

Saturday, August 4, 2007

TaKara is Born

TaKara’s Birth

My labor went is quite the story. It takes a minute to tell but I will share ;) Well we live in Loa, UT but you already know that and the closest hospital is one hour away in either Richfield or Gunnison. Richfield has a bad reputation towards their nurses so we went to Gunnison. So that is where we went to deliver her. Well I was sitting on my bed at home (Friday at about 1) deciding if I wanted to take a nap or wash the dishes and my water broke. So being the dummy that I am I changed clothes, threw the sheets in the washer, and then I got in the car and went and found Dale. He was about 2 miles from home building a log cabin in Fremont. He was up on the roof with a chain saw cutting a log and couldn't hear me yelling at him so I had to throw a 2x4 at him to get his attention. He came down and went and told his brother, Clint, that we were going to the hospital so to take his truck to our house and don't forget Rufus (our puppy at the time). He looked at us like okay why are you telling me this like we were going for a check up not to have a baby.

Well, we went home and Dale took a 2 minute shower (like always) because he was sweaty and stinky and we already had our bags packed and headed over the hill. On the way we called his mom and she wanted to come with us and we told her we would call when she was born because she is the type of person that would end up in the delivery room with us and I would rather her not see me give birth LOL I called my mom and told her that we were headed. She was in St. George at the time but they were planning on coming up for a family reunion that weekend. She asked me when my water broke and I lied to her saying 30 minutes ago so Dale wouldn't freak out. It really was 1- 1/2 hours earlier. She said we better hurry then because they always have to break her and my sister Rachelle's water and the baby is born with in an hour. Well the whole way over I was having little pains in my stomach but nothing big. I think it mostly was just my nerves. When we got there they totally stopped. The hospital lost my preregistration so we had to fill it all out again and the lady doing it was new. So she was freaking out. I was calmer than her! She even mentioned that…she even forgot how to work the copy machine. Well we got back in the room at about 4. My doctor (Dr. Dwight Inouye) had been out of town all week camping with the scouts so he had my entire file waiting there for when I came over. He is great so they were ready for me and had been all week. My room was right across from, the nursery and there was only one baby in there. They hooked me up to the monitors and told me just to relax and they would watch everything from outside. Well I was so irregular that it was crazy. They didn't want to start me or do anything until my doctor got home that night so I just had to lie in bed. They wouldn't even let me up and walk around the hospital afraid that it would start me into labor again so we watched tv for 6 hours. And everyone knows how Dale loves to sit around, watch tv, and do nothing HAHAHA There was a show on The Discovery Channel. I don’t remember what it is called, but these ex-robbers would go into a house and totally destroy it then fix it back up to normal and give the people the best security system available. It was pretty interesting. That’s what we watched the entire time! Maybe we will do that once we build our home. But then again maybe not because I don’t want someone destroy my new, perfect house.

My doctor got back in town at 10 that night so he came and checked on me. I was still at a 3. I had been for 3 weeks. So he asked if I wanted to get started then or have one more good night sleep and get started at 3 a.m. But you have to have your baby within 24 hours of your water breaking. He started me then because I was going insane just sitting there with no progress. It was actually one of the best night’s sleep I had considering I was hooked up to all of those machines. They had it cranked up as far as the PIT would go and I couldn't feel a thing. When I woke up in the morning they asked me every 30 minutes if I wanted an epidural. I couldn't feel anything so I never got one. About an hour before she was born my back started to hurt so Dale massaged it. When I was finally dilated to a 10 at 8:30 the nursed asked me if I had the urge to push. I never did so at 8:45 we started to push without the urge. They were totally surprised of that. I would start pushing when the contraction was at the climax because that is when I could feel it so the nurse had to tell me when it started and to push so it would do any good. She was born at 9:08 a.m. weighing 5 lbs 10 oz. and 19 ½ inches long and the only thing that hurt was when her head crowned.

Everyone kept calling me “Super Woman” and stuff like that. And my nurses would try and help me do everything because most people are numb from the waste down so I had to keep reminding them that I could help out and lift my leg on my own or whatever else they were trying to do for me. I felt great about an hour later and ready to go home but we stayed the whole day and went home the next morning which was Sunday and since most of my family was in town for the Brain Reunion they were able to see her that day or night. If I have that good of experience next time I will do it natural again. I think I will go more prepared though. Everyone was very surprised how it went. Unlike most people I actually felt better when I was pregnant so we will just have to wait and see how it is next time.