Thursday, June 17, 2010

28 Weeks

Last night Dale was laying in bed so I asked him to take another picture of my belly.The strange look on my face...trying not to yawn ;) A couple of words from the saying above my head got cut off so it is suppose to say, "A successful marriage requires falling in love many times. Always with the same person." I believe that is true.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Couch Time

This is TaKara's new favorite place to sleep at night. For about the last month she has been asking to sleep out on the couch. Most nights we tuck her in bed and find her like this in the morning. If it is a cold night then she will also have the blue afaghan on her.We asked her why she likes to sleep on the couch and she said, "My bed stinks." LOL

Monday, June 14, 2010

Snake Quilt

I finally finished this snake quilt last Wednesday and it has taken me until today to download a picture. I really like how it turned out. It is made out of 3" triangles. I hope our new little baby boy will enjoy it!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Solo Horse Ride

Today TaKara rode Joker all by herself. Dale parked about 100 feet from the gate and she rode to it alone. She was so proud of herself. She was waving and smiling from ear to ear. When we got back home that was the first thing that she told everybody.

Friday, June 4, 2010

26 weeks

I have been terrible at taking pictures but here are some at week 26 and a couple of days.