Saturday, January 31, 2009
Tonight when we were doing chores I saw something white in the back of TaKara's mouth. When I looked closer it was a tooth on the top right side! I was quite surprised to see it considering she has 4 teeth on top and only 3 on bottom. I thought #4 on bottom would have come in first. So her first one year molar finally came half way in at almost 18 months. She has been a real happy girl though so I am very blessed.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Today we got TaKara's potty seat out. It is one of those that you put on a normal toilet to make the hole smaller. It is not one of those that you have to dump out. I rather change a diaper than do that! It is decorated like a soccer ball with purple handles. Anyways, she decided that it was her dollie's bed. So she put her doll's blanket (a dish towel) on it, then laid her dollie down, gave her a kiss, and tucked her in for a nap. It was so adorable! I just had to share this cute experience.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Today is the first day that TaKara has slept with a pillow in her crib. We were kind of scared to give her one awhile ago because of crib death, but we decided if she couldn't breath now she could roll over and fix that. She loves her pillow! Next to it she puts her book, sippie, and bottle. She slept perfectly.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Notice Anything?
Do you notice anything different?

TaKara is WEARING SHOES!!! HOORAY!!! Today we decided that we were going to try really hard and get TaKara to wear shoes. We have tried putting them on her while she is sleeping, riding the four wheeler, feeding cows, etc. But nothing has worked. And carrying her around to feed cows every night and morning is really tiring. Her feet are kind of fat so we thought maybe they are wide and so the shoes are squeezing her feet and hurting. So when I was in Richfield yesterday I took her into a shoe store and asked them to measure her foot. They said right on the line of a 5 so I should buy a 6 so she could wear them for a while. Then I asked the lady if her foot was wide and she almost starting rolling on the ground she was laughing so hard. So finally gained control and replied her foot is extremely narrow so you will never have to worry if she needs a wide shoe.
We already bought a size five a month or so ago so we put them on her and of course she screamed…we took her outside and she wouldn’t even stand. When we would go to sit her down she would raise her feet up and sit in the air. HAHAHA And when she finally did stand she wouldn’t move a hair. So the whole time we are telling her how pretty her shoes are and how she will be able to play outside without rocks and sticker hurting her feet but she doesn’t care she just wants them off. So we decide to go visit Grandpa and Grandma Taylor so they can help with the process. The whole ride over (about 2 miles) she screamed at the top of her lungs. When we got out of the truck we tried to sit her down and let her walk but she was planted in her footsteps. Dale carried her in and grandpa was on the couch watching the news and noticed TaKara was sad and motioned for her to come to her and he would hug/hold her better. But of course she wouldn’t budge so we carried her to him. Once she was on his lap he asked her what wrong. Instantly her foot came flying up and missed his jaw by a mere inch. And then she started chewing the shoe out. Prall is trying not to laugh and without us telling him anything he starts saying…Oh, TaKara your shoes are so pretty. Now you can walk through the corral when we feed cows. She didn’t give a crap. LOL After a few minutes of him trying to reassure her grandma comes down and instantly whisks her away trying to calm her down. She also was telling her how pretty her shoes were. It did no good. Mary decided to taker her outside to see/feed the chickens. TaKara wouldn’t walk to the coop but once she got there she let Mary put her down long enough to throw them some scraps. When they got back in the house though Mary sat her down and she took a couple of steps. She was getting ready to sit down, whine, and take the shoes off when we all started clapping and cheering. She smiled and decided that was fun. She took a few more steps and got the same reaction. She decided the shoes weren’t so bad and wore them the rest of the day and totally forgot they were even on her feet.
The first thing when she wakes up that TaKara does is gets her shoes and jacket and wants to go outside even though it is dead of winter. So we put her shoes on and convince her to wait until after breakfast and we will go do chores. Then the second we get home she has to take them off and put them by the front door in their special place all nice and neat next to ours. We have tried a couple other pairs of shoes (gym shoes and duck slippers) but she just throws a fit but that is okay we just might have to get a size 6 in the same style. Or go threw the same ordeal with every new pair of shoes. We play outside everyday now. She loves it!

TaKara is WEARING SHOES!!! HOORAY!!! Today we decided that we were going to try really hard and get TaKara to wear shoes. We have tried putting them on her while she is sleeping, riding the four wheeler, feeding cows, etc. But nothing has worked. And carrying her around to feed cows every night and morning is really tiring. Her feet are kind of fat so we thought maybe they are wide and so the shoes are squeezing her feet and hurting. So when I was in Richfield yesterday I took her into a shoe store and asked them to measure her foot. They said right on the line of a 5 so I should buy a 6 so she could wear them for a while. Then I asked the lady if her foot was wide and she almost starting rolling on the ground she was laughing so hard. So finally gained control and replied her foot is extremely narrow so you will never have to worry if she needs a wide shoe.
We already bought a size five a month or so ago so we put them on her and of course she screamed…we took her outside and she wouldn’t even stand. When we would go to sit her down she would raise her feet up and sit in the air. HAHAHA And when she finally did stand she wouldn’t move a hair. So the whole time we are telling her how pretty her shoes are and how she will be able to play outside without rocks and sticker hurting her feet but she doesn’t care she just wants them off. So we decide to go visit Grandpa and Grandma Taylor so they can help with the process. The whole ride over (about 2 miles) she screamed at the top of her lungs. When we got out of the truck we tried to sit her down and let her walk but she was planted in her footsteps. Dale carried her in and grandpa was on the couch watching the news and noticed TaKara was sad and motioned for her to come to her and he would hug/hold her better. But of course she wouldn’t budge so we carried her to him. Once she was on his lap he asked her what wrong. Instantly her foot came flying up and missed his jaw by a mere inch. And then she started chewing the shoe out. Prall is trying not to laugh and without us telling him anything he starts saying…Oh, TaKara your shoes are so pretty. Now you can walk through the corral when we feed cows. She didn’t give a crap. LOL After a few minutes of him trying to reassure her grandma comes down and instantly whisks her away trying to calm her down. She also was telling her how pretty her shoes were. It did no good. Mary decided to taker her outside to see/feed the chickens. TaKara wouldn’t walk to the coop but once she got there she let Mary put her down long enough to throw them some scraps. When they got back in the house though Mary sat her down and she took a couple of steps. She was getting ready to sit down, whine, and take the shoes off when we all started clapping and cheering. She smiled and decided that was fun. She took a few more steps and got the same reaction. She decided the shoes weren’t so bad and wore them the rest of the day and totally forgot they were even on her feet.
The first thing when she wakes up that TaKara does is gets her shoes and jacket and wants to go outside even though it is dead of winter. So we put her shoes on and convince her to wait until after breakfast and we will go do chores. Then the second we get home she has to take them off and put them by the front door in their special place all nice and neat next to ours. We have tried a couple other pairs of shoes (gym shoes and duck slippers) but she just throws a fit but that is okay we just might have to get a size 6 in the same style. Or go threw the same ordeal with every new pair of shoes. We play outside everyday now. She loves it!
Friday, January 23, 2009
TaKara's 7th tooth broke threw today. It is the third on the bottom on the far right. She was a much better teether this go round than in the past. With her others she was grumpy, honory, whiny, fevering, wouldn't eat, wouldn't play, had to hold her, etc. for 2 - 4 weeks. This time earlier this week I noticed that her gum was a little swollen and I thought "Oh great here we go again" but today it popped through and she seemed perfectly fine the whole time. HOORAY!!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Dale’s brother Clint bought an ice hut so we decided to go ice fishing at Mill Meadows. This is the first time that I have ever gone. It also was the first time that I have ever caught a fish in my entire life that I can remember. It was a Perch. Inside the ice hut was really nice. You could even look down the whole quite away and sometimes even see the fish bite the hook. Dale caught a brown trout and let it flop around in the middle of the hut so TaKara could see it but I think it scared her because she started to wimper because she had never seen fish before so he put it back into the lake. TaKara did have a blast though. She is the best jigger in the whole entire world. She would get her whole body into it. She wouldn’t let anyone help her. Dale was holding her and she took the pole and would hit his knee then fling it up and hit his hat’s brim then back to the knee and on and on as fast as she possible could. She wouldn’t even give the line a second to settle. It was so adorable. We were getting the biggest kick out of her. Hopefully the lake will stay frozen so we can take TaKara again before the thin ice isn’t safe any longer even though it was probably a foot today.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
About the week before Christmas TaKara started liking dolls, but everyone knows that by that time Santa is done making all of the toys and is starting to load his sleigh for the big night. So TaKara didn't get a doll or any accessories. So she decided to improvise and maker her own stroller.

Do you like her redneck stroller?

Do you like her redneck stroller?
Friday, January 16, 2009
Burt's Bees
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Sorry about all of the posts today. Keep reading and enjoy all of them! Thanks. I got a little behind and I am catching up. FYI...This is going to be my scrapbook since I don't do a real live in a week I am going to back date these posts to the correct date and print them off.
Last night TaKara decided that shoes were okay...we caught her standing in Dale's shoes. She did it again this morning.
Now all that we got to do is get her to put on my shoes, then a few sizes small, then a few sizes smaller, then hopefully hers HEHEHE
Last night TaKara decided that shoes were okay...we caught her standing in Dale's shoes. She did it again this morning.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
TaKara carries her Christmas box around all day and plays/stands on it. This week she started sharing her time with a bucket. She goes and gets it out of pantry and puts jello and pudding in it then carries in throughout the house.
To the dryer, sink, table, couch, desk, and bed.
This picture was moments before the bucket bucked her off and she smacked her head on the linoleum, but her feet managed to stay on. I guess that explains the face.
She can even get on and off by herself. 
We get a kick out of the little new discoveries that she makes everyday.

We get a kick out of the little new discoveries that she makes everyday.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Second Week of Nursery
So Friday night TaKara threw up twice and Saturday afternoon again so Dale and her stayed home from church today. I decided I better go and help in the nursery so Dave Torgerson wouldn't be in there by himself. For the first hour we only had 4 kids and Dave jokingly said, "Hey I could go to Priesthood today and you two can handle it today!" In the meantime he went to make copies at the library. He got distracted by Adam Winters and his daughter Paisley, they just went into Sunbeams and are having a hard time not being in Nursery. So he was gone for the first hour. When he got back there was 7 kids, 6 girls and 1 boy. So he decided to not go to Priesthood. We survived while he was gone though...most of the kids get along so far. Singing time was so fun! We sang the snowman song. I have a feeling we will be singing it still in the dead of the Summer. Oh well :)
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Taking Down the Tree
Today we finally decided to take down our Christmas Tree. We removed it the same way as last year.
Chopped off the limbs in the living room and threw them in the fire then sawed the trunk in half and threw it into the fire. Pine needles give off a lot of heat! Then we take my beautiful new tree skirt outside and shake it then vacuum and we are done. The best part is needles are tracked all the way to the front door.
Did you notice the box that TaKara is standing on? It is the one her blanket from Morgan came in...we had to bring it home from Gunnison...she does everything on, dance, sing, watch tv, etc.
Chopped off the limbs in the living room and threw them in the fire then sawed the trunk in half and threw it into the fire. Pine needles give off a lot of heat! Then we take my beautiful new tree skirt outside and shake it then vacuum and we are done. The best part is needles are tracked all the way to the front door.

Thursday, January 8, 2009
On Tuesday BreAnna taught TaKara how to build a hut and just a few minutes ago she discovered that she can make one on her own. I walk into my bedroom and the little toughy had pulled off my bedspread until it was touching the floor and was sitting under it with her back to the bed with her doll just laughing. It was adorable!!! I sat under it for a minute with her but then she pushed me out and wanted to be alone. Oh well maybe next time I can join in longer :)
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
TaKara loves to draw and read books. This morning she found a pen and a notebook and she took them to the couch and drew for a minute, then the recliner, then the banana chair. Then she decided she needed a drink so she went into the kitchen and got a drink then drew some more. She continued this route for about 30 minutes.
It was way fun to watch her. I am so blessed that she is able to entertain herself!

Sunday, January 4, 2009
First Day of Nursery
So today was our first day in actually went a lot better than I was expecting! There were 7 girls and 1 boy. And 4 adults. TaKara loved the first hour then she kept bringing us her jacket and wanted to get the heck out of there and go home. But once we started snack time she decided it was an okay place again. Dale even enjoyed it...I think...because there was no whiny kids. I will let you know how next week goes.
Clean up.
TaKara loves to help with all of the chores: laundry, dishes, dusting, etc. Anything but still scares her LOL Dale was sweeping the kitchen tonight and TaKara grabbed the dustpan and ran over and held it in front of the pile of dirt and food while he swept it in and then Dale helped her carry it to the garbage and dump it.
I am so glad that Dale is willing to help around the house. And TaKara is going to be such a big helper now and when she gets older.

Saturday, January 3, 2009
The next weekend there was a baby shower in Gunnison so TaKara and I went and stayed the night at Grandma Coates' house. My parents were there and brought our gifts from the previous weekend. TaKara got a cute fleece pink blanket with hearts on it from Morgan. Dale & I got the movie I-Spy, John Wayne movies, Phase 10 Twist, and Hit the Deck from Garrett and Hollie. We have enjoyed everything! Thanks!!!
We had a blast spending time with them. This is what TaKara's hair looked like for the weekend. It was adorable!!!
She is so active that it was hard to get a good picture but it is 3 pony tails on each side that the finished product is one on each side. I hope you can get the idea. :)
We had a blast spending time with them. This is what TaKara's hair looked like for the weekend. It was adorable!!!

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