Sunday, September 12, 2010

New Calling

On August 31st we met with the bishopric and they asked me to be the Young Women's Secretary and they asked Dale to be Slade's babysister ;) Today at church they set everyone apart but me since I wasn't there considering Slade is only 5 days old. The president is Nicole Blackburn and the counselors are Christy Jeffery and Trudy Torgerson. We are going to have a blast with the Young Women's. I am super excited for this calling and challenge!


Telsha Winger & fam said...

congrats an the calling and the new little guy :)

Syme Family said...

I was so excited when I heard that they put you into the YW. But shocked because that is a big calling with a new baby. I bet you'll have a lot of fun. By the way your little guy is so cute! I can't wait to meet him.