Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Okay TaKara is such a trickster/stinker depending on how you look at it...well we have been trying to get her to walk for a few months now since she turned one on the 4th and still can't walk. Well that is what we thought at least. We know she can walk across the furniture but we thought that was the end of it because whenever we try to get her to walk between Dale and I all she will do is laugh hysterically and sit down. Over the weekend my dad said that she walked from the fireplace to the couch but we really didn't believe him sorry dad LOL Well today she stood up in the middle of the kitchen where there is not anything remotely close for her to hold onto and took a couple of steps, but hurry and sat down when she noticed I was watching. Again just a few minutes ago she did the same exact thing but in the middle of the family room (which is even more spacious) but this time walked to the recliner which is about 5 feet away. So she can definitely walk but just prefers to crawl. Oh well she will decide one of these days and she will just run everywhere!
Monday, August 18, 2008
TaKara 1 Year Old Pictures
Here is a slide of pictures I took at the farm (The tree in the background is right by our lot:)) of TaKara since we haven't took any since she was 2 weeks old. There is tons (43) that is why I chose this design so you can fast forward or slow down through the pictures!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
TaKara's 1st B-day
TaKara turned 1 on Monday the 4th and here are a bunch of pictures from her big day. (Sorry there are so many but they're all my favorite ;))
I am not the best picture taker (like my mom) so some of the pictures are blurry and this one I forgot to turn the flash on LOL. This is her blowing out her one pink candle.
This is her texas cake. Did you see no caramel icing yet? Good thing because she would have branded it with her hand prints like you would your driveway. HEHEHE Notice: She is also wearing her new pink pjs with Boots from Dora the Explorer on them.
This is how TaKara opens presents. She has to climb on them first like everything else in our house to see if she can make it to the top.
TaKara's highlight of the night is her new toy from Grandma and Grandpa Taylor. She was sitting on it before Dale could even finish putting it together.
You can either walk behind it or ride it. She is going to be walking before we know it!
She can only go backwards for now but she will catch on to the forward motion soon enough. She also loves to hide toys in the trunk/hood.
Below is her new reclineable Eddie Bauer forward facing car seat. Observe the adorable dress she is wearing. That is from Grandma and Grandpa Coates...she will be wearing it to her Uncle Devan's wedding on the 23rd of August.
No kid really likes a car seat but they all like to make a fort out of the giant box. Dale even put some toys in there to keep her company. She will have fun in there for at 30 minutes and pop her head out every once and awhile to play peek-a-boo and smile ;)
She also got a hot pink shirt from her cousins (BreAnna, Adam, and Brigette). It says "I'm guaranteed to make you smile." :) It makes her look so grown up because it isn't a onesie.
I am not the best picture taker (like my mom) so some of the pictures are blurry and this one I forgot to turn the flash on LOL. This is her blowing out her one pink candle.

Saturday, August 2, 2008
I've Been Tagged! (Thanks Kellee ;))
*Random Facts*
1. I've never broke any bones.
2. I changed sprinklers for the first time ever in my entire life today.
3. We think TaKara might have allergies :(
1. I've never broke any bones.
2. I changed sprinklers for the first time ever in my entire life today.
3. We think TaKara might have allergies :(
*Current Obsessions*
1. My home-based business!
2. Facebook-especially Parking Wars :)
3. Blogging
1. Grow my home-based business.
2. Read my scriptures and family prayer.
3. Start building our home in the Spring.
*My Fears*
1. Having something happen to my family.
2. Not being a good mom.
3. Failing at my mission in life.
*My Joys*
1. My husband, Dale
2. My daughter, TaKara
3. The rest of my family
4. Reading
1. My home-based business!
2. Facebook-especially Parking Wars :)
3. Blogging
1. Grow my home-based business.
2. Read my scriptures and family prayer.
3. Start building our home in the Spring.
*My Fears*
1. Having something happen to my family.
2. Not being a good mom.
3. Failing at my mission in life.
*My Joys*
1. My husband, Dale
2. My daughter, TaKara
3. The rest of my family
4. Reading
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