Monday, August 18, 2008

TaKara 1 Year Old Pictures

Here is a slide of pictures I took at the farm (The tree in the background is right by our lot:)) of TaKara since we haven't took any since she was 2 weeks old. There is tons (43) that is why I chose this design so you can fast forward or slow down through the pictures!


Kellee and Courtney said...

cute pictures. you obviously need to plant more trees around your lot. See you guys saturday.

Vaughn Family said...

Finally got around to checking out your blog... your daughter is very cute! Good to know someone other than me loves the country... of course, I couldn't be FURTHER from it right now, but someday, (hopefully sooner than later, we'll be out where we belong... oh, I could use a few LESS trees out here in Georgia! hahaha!