Also a couple of months ago I happened onto a way fun is called Ponytail Challenge. It is about this hilarious lady that posts a new challenge every Monday. It is centered around "taking moments just for me." On Monday when I was searching the web for a new hairstyle it came back to mind because the first challenge back on March 31, 2008 was to have your hair done by noon for an entire week, no ponytails or buns allowed. It has to take a little bit of thought and time. The purpose is just putting a little time aside each day for yourself. This is really important to stay-at-home-moms because your day is so hectic that sometimes you are in your pajamas until 5 minutes before you know your husband will get home so he doesn't think you have been in your pajamas all day LOL Well I have put a link on my site so click on that or go to and check it out. Oh yeah and if you commit to the challenge and come back with your results you will be entered into a drawing.
Well I better go but have a great THANKSGIVING tomorrow! :)
I like the new do lady!!
I love the new hair, it looks very pretty on you:) I am glad that you found me. I went into Power Sports today and visited with the gals. Kayla is back answering the phones, she is still as cute as ever. Anyways have a Happy Thanksgiving and do go see Twilight... you will love it:)
Hair cut looks great. Isn't it so nice to just have a change every once in awhile. I need to do mine soon too. Thanks for the encouragement :)
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