Yesterday my mom and dad came and brought our Christmas presents. Dale & I got tons of food storage and a thing with all 50 state quarters in it. They have started a new tradition that the grandkids are allowed to open only the presents from grandma and grandpa while they are there so the kids will know who they are from. So we got the honor of watching TaKara last night. It was hilarious! She would rip off a tiny piece of paper about the size of a tootsie roll and either give it to grandma/grandpa to hold, put it in the box of papers to start fires, or throw it in the garbage. So you can only imagine how long it took her to open 2 presents LOL She got the book "The Monster at the End of the Book" and pajamas. If you have never read this book you have to find it and enjoy :) Thanks Mom & Dad!!! We had a great time while you were here.

Grandma's helping TaKara open her book.

TaKara playing clean up.

Reading time with Grandma and Grandpa Coates.

TaKara modeling off her pajamas that grandpa thought would be enormous on her. They are pink with snowflakes and monkeys on them. Way Cute!!!
Of course I check your least everytime you post. I use Google Reader, so it alerts me and I can view all the new posts from any friends there. I love it. And I am loving Takara's hair. You lucky. I can't wait for Eliza's to grow in thicker and get longer.
It looks like she had a good time. I can't believe how big she looks here. Her hair is darling.
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